Conquerors in the Land of Giants


The history of Israel is a testimony to the mighty works of God. The Israelites were firsthand witnesses to the miracles and wonders that the Lord performed in their midst. He led them out of Egypt with a mighty hand, parted the Red Sea before them, provided manna from heaven, and caused water to spring forth from a rock. Yet, when faced with the land that God had promised them, a land flowing with milk and honey, their faith wavered.

How often do we, like the Israelites, forget the mighty works of God when confronted with challenges? How often do we allow fear to dictate our steps instead of trusting in the One who has never failed us?

Today, we explore what it means to be conquerors in the land of giants, drawing from the lessons found in Numbers 13:27-33, Numbers 14:23-24, Acts 9:4, and Numbers 12:6-16.
The Land of Promise and the Report of the Spies

When Moses sent twelve spies to scout the land of Canaan (Numbers 13:27-33), they returned with a divided report. All twelve confirmed that the land was indeed flowing with milk and honey, just as the Lord had promised. However, ten of the spies focused not on the promise but on the perceived problem—the presence of giants.
_“We seemed like grasshoppers in our own eyes, and we looked the same to them.” (Numbers 13:33)
_Instead of seeing Canaan as the fulfillment of God’s word, they saw it as an insurmountable challenge. They measured themselves against the giants rather than against the power of the Almighty. Their fear led to doubt, and their doubt led to discouragement.

Forgetting God’s Goodness and Power

How quickly the Israelites forgot that the same God who parted the Red Sea could also conquer the giants before them! Their fear was not just about the giants; it was about their own perception of themselves. When we belittle ourselves in the face of challenges, we forget who we are in God. The people of Israel allowed their circumstances to define them instead of standing on the promises of God.
Criticism of Leadership and Its Consequences
Rather than focusing on the power of God, the Israelites turned their frustration toward Moses, criticizing his leadership (Numbers 12:6-16). They murmured against him, failing to recognize that Moses was appointed by God Himself.
This kind of criticism parallels Saul’s persecution of the early church. In Acts 9:4, when Saul encountered Jesus on the road to Damascus, the Lord asked him:
“Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?”
To speak against God’s anointed leadership is to stand in opposition to God Himself. A spirit of rebellion and negativity can block the blessings God has prepared for us.

The Grasshopper Mentality vs. The Conqueror’s Mindset

The Israelites who doubted saw themselves as grasshoppers, insignificant and powerless. This mentality led them to defeat before they even set foot in the land of promise. Their mindset determined their outcome; they remained in the wilderness and never entered Canaan.
On the other hand, Joshua and Caleb refused to be swayed by fear.
Their faith and trust in God’s promise enabled them to enter the land of Canaan, while the doubters perished in the wilderness. Our mindset determines our destiny.

Will we adopt a grasshopper mentality, or will we embrace the identity of conquerors?
The Call to Conquer
God has entrusted us with this land and called us to be more than mere survivors—we are called to be conquerors. When we fix our eyes on God rather than our obstacles, we walk in victory.
Too often, we focus on where we have come from, longing for the past rather than stepping into the destiny God has prepared for us. Just as the Israelites longed for Egypt, forgetting their deliverance, we sometimes hold onto comfort zones rather than embracing divine purpose. But God calls us forward, not backward.


The giants in the land are real, but so is our God. The question is not whether we will face challenges, but whether we will trust in the Lord to overcome them. Will we be like the ten spies who saw only obstacles, or will we be like Joshua and Caleb, who saw victory through the eyes of faith?
The Lord has summoned us to lead lives as conquerors. Let us cast aside fear, reject the grasshopper mentality, and step boldly into the promises of God.

We are conquerors in the land of giants!

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